Friday, September 15, 2006

Xiao Bai & I

When i first landed in Beijing and used to go out to have lunch with my team members here, they always used to speak in Chinese. The Chinese law required me to have a Chinese name (and mine is Bai Ke Nan!!!). I used to hear one word quite often. Xiao Bai (pronouned Ciao Bai!!!) Xiao Bai... I used to wonder what is that... I knew it was something relating to me as it was being used too frequently... N my team would burst out laughing everytime they use that word... That made me realise that 100% it has to do something with me... So, i decided to ask them what it was... It took me all my persuasive skill and a lot of convincing to do before i got to know what it meant... Xiao Bai means Little Bai (from my Chinese name)... In other words, it was their way of calling me Little Kapil... Did i like that name?? I think i would say that i loved it... It has been a long time since they used that name... And i too completely forgot about it... Then one fine morning, i see that a couple of my team members have bought this small cute pink monkey, with whom i am posing in the snap, for me... I was completely moved... I felt completely happy when i took it from them... Now was the most difficult part, i had to give this sweet pink monkey of mine a name... So, i started to think as to what i should name it... It already has a name (Kapo is the official name!!!)... Eventhough, i like the name, i wanted to name it something different... I couldnt figure out a good name for it... Then i remembered what my team member told me, she said that they bought this doll cos they thought it looked just like me and had a similar name as mine... Then it stuck me... That is when i remembered that they used to call me Xiao Bai... I decided to name it Xiao Bai to repay the love and affection that my team has for me... And thus was born Xiao Bai... For the record, the birthday of Xiao Bai is 11th September 2006... And as of today its 5 days old... I intend to keep it with me for many years to come and not part with it... I am really happy to have it as my companion (you can guess it from the smile on my face in the photograph!!!) and feel very good about it... I hope all of you like my Xiao Bai and are jealous of me... he... he...

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