Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Marley and me - The Feel Good Movie...

When I first saw the advertisement which said Marley and me would release in the theatres on 6th February 2009, I was ecstatic! I had seen Jen on screen for a while now (a huge fan and completely fida over her!) and I really didnt care about what the movie was all about and wanted to watch it for her! I spoke to a few of my friends and planned out a movie outing for Sunday. There was something very familiar about the title and it didnt strike me for a while. Suddenly, I realised that the movie is based on a book and I own it! To be very honest, I started reading this book and couldnt go past a few pages. Not because the book is badly written, but because I didnt have the patience to read this sweet and cute book. To me, it was more like the girlish book (the kinds that most girls read!) and so I passed on the book to my wife who loved it so much! I was also glad that I didnt read the book as when movies are made out of books, you tend to compare which was better and that isn't the best thing to do as you tend not to enjoy both.

The movie starts really well with John Grogan, the protoganist of the movie or was it Marley?, explaining how he and his wife decide to adopt a dog because his wife is scared that she is not able take care of a plant and how was she going to take care of their children. Well, if only everybody started thinking the same way, the world would see a pet in every house and that would be a good sight. Thus comes Marley into the life of the Grogans and changes everything in their lives. He soons earns this reputation of being the world's worst dog and very loveable. The rest of the story is about how and what changes happen in the lives of the Grogans and how Marley is in the center of all this. It was a very loveable movie and very well shot. Everybody in the movie hall was enjoying it as you could hear the laughter loud every now and then with each prank of Marley. I am sure that everybody would enjoy with a pet like Marley (though I suspect if they would want him in their homes!). What was best about the Grogans was that despite all that Marley does (most of the times it is not good), they love him just the same and can't imagine a life without him. Take this scene for example, where the Grogans have their second child and Jen decides to quit her job so that she can take care of the children all by herself, she gets very overwhelmed with all that's happening around her. What with Marley not helping, the situation gets worse and Jen wants Marley out of the house forever. John takes Marley to his friend's place for a couple of days until he finds a more permanent home for him. When he gets back home, Jen apologises and says that theirs was Marley's home and he can't go anywhere else. This despite him being so unruly.
What the movie focusses on and succeeds to a large extent is focussing on the bonding that's built between Marley and the Grogans. This holds good to any pet owners and the pets become part of the family. You should look forward to the climax and that is very moving. On the whole, very good viewing experience for all. I enjoyed it a lot and wouldn't mind watching the movie more times in the time to come. I suggest that everybody watch the movie and enjoy the small joys of life which make living a pleasure.

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