Monday, July 16, 2012

Woman & the Respect She Deserves

The whole of Twitter has been outraging about the molestation incident that happened earlier this week outside a bar in Guwahati. The girl was molested by 20+guys after she confronted them when they abused her inside the bar. It has pained me and it still is that we mistreat women thus!

This made me wonder about how much we actually respect women in our country. Do we really appreciate her contribution in our lives, to our society and our country? What makes us from appreciating them? Who is responsible for this? Where does one go to search for these answers?
Ours is primarily a patriarchal society where the man is the all powerful gender and the woman is expected to be submissive & always listen to him. This has been the case for centuries and, honestly, not something that we should be proud of. Why? Because we are a society where majority of us believe in woman to be a goddess. We pray to our goddesses and believe they are our saviors in most times. So, despite this why do we still continue to be sexists or misogynists?

Why do men in India find it difficult to accept that women are as good and capable as themselves? Women deserve as much freedom to do things as every man does. She deserves the respect that every man does. Why do men disrespect her by physically abusing her?

Can’t we respect and revere a woman when she manages to do so many things and yet be strong? Can’t we accept that women can be independent too and love them for that? Can’t we celebrate a woman like we do our own mother, sister, wife & daughter?

We would turn a great country only when we realise and respect women. Till the time we continue to ill-treat our women by physically and mentally torturing them, we would continue to be this third-rate country which doesn’t know to how to respect its women.

No, I am not a feminist! I am just someone who loves to treat everyone equally and not discriminate based on gender/caste/creed. I hope I live long enough to see my country change into something I am wishing for.


Chandrashekhar Joshi said...

Good piece Kapil!! Keep writing :)

Anuradha said...

Respect is an abstract term. This can neither be forced onto someone nor enforced legally. Similarly weakness and courage is the state of mind and not the body. Respect and weakness can never co-exist. For women, weakness is their biggest challenge which is bringing disrespect to them. Finally to say, women have to overcome this challenge and bring in respect for themselves.