Friday, January 04, 2008

First Caucus result is out!!!

Against all odds, Obama and Huckabee win the Iowa causus for democratic and republican nomination for the presidency battle in the US. This was the first test put in front of all the front runners for the presidential election this Autumn.

On the democratic front, Obama emerged a surprise winner much ahead of Hillary Clinton, who was placed a poor 3rd, with nearly a 5% lead. This was a completely unexpected result as a record number of caucus goers voted (most of them first time caucus voters)! Although a lot is not expected to be read into these results, the result did come in as a rude shock to Hillary who was considered to be the front runner of the Democratic party.

In the last 24 years, every person who has won either the Iowa Caucus or New Hampshire Primary has gone on to win the White House with the exception of 1 person. No Points for guessing who that is. Yes, all of you guessed it right. It was Bill Clinton!!! Will Mrs. Clinton be able to repeat the same thing??? Or would she win the New Hampshire primary??? Only time will tell! Watch this space for more...

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