Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The first test for the US Presidential hopefuls!!!

Continuing with the coverage on US Presidential elections, the first test for all the hopefuls will happen in the next 2 days. Iowa would be the state which would conduct the first caucus which would set the pace for the selection of candidates from both Democratic and Republican parties. Though not considered to be one of those most important states in terms of number of votes, everybody is still looking forward to the results from Iowa. Many believe that this would be the pace setter for the rest of the campaign.

As per the opinion polls conducted by various agencies, Hillary Clinton and Mike Huckabee are leading the Democratic and Republican race respectively.

Hillary Clinton has a narrow lead of 4% over Obama while John Edwards is placed 3rd, a further 1% less in the democratic front.

In the republican front, Mike Huckabee is leading by a huge margin.

Who is gonna win??? That's the most important and intruiging question that everybody wants answer for... Look out to this section for more on this...

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